Composition for double bass and electronics, score. Collaboration with Vilhelm Brømander.

In recent years we’ve been frequently warned that sea levels will rise up to 2m by the end of this century, completely reshaping human experience as a consequence. However, since this massive movement is not directly accessible to our senses, our society still has a hard time accepting these facts. The 4-hour long performance consists of a single note on bowed double bass and an electronically generated tone, and corresponds to the beginning of an 84-year long concert.

It pits two different timeframes against each other: the first one is that of immediate human perception, in the microvariations of the bass part, and the other, a slowly rising tone that will stretch until 2100 and will eventually transcend our hearing range. It not only challenges the limits of a normal concert situation, but also tries to make the rise of sea levels accessible to human perception. The microtonal interplay between the parts generate a wealth of details and acoustic phenomena that never repeat along the concert, and create a totally unique, meditative sonic experience.

Concert recording released by Differ Records